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CDP recognizes Danieli as a Supplier Engagement Leader

For outstanding sustainability practices in supply and value chains CDP, a global non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse emissions, safeguard resources and protect forests, has appointed Danieli Supplier Engagement Leader, making it one of the top 7% of companies worldwide that

Terna: focus on April electricity consumption

According to Terna, in April renewables sources covered 47% of the monthly electricity demand, and photovoltaic power production grew by 26.9%. The data collected by Terna show that electricity demand in Italy stood at 19.9 billion kWh, a decrease of 17.2% compared to April 2019.

Irideos fiber network ready to run up to 400 Gigabits

Milan, 20th December 2018 – IRIDEOS, the new Italian ICT hub dedicated to Business and Public Administration implemented an upgrade to its fiber optic network across Italy, allowing high-capacity connections up to 400 Gigabits. “Leveraging the latest-generation technologies provided by Infinera, we now offer a

F2i’s Third Fund achieves a €3.6 Billion final closing

Exceeding its original target by more than 600 Million euros. With italian and international investors contributing equally to the fundraising’s success. Milan, 8 November 2018. Today marked the traditional F2i Investor Day, a periodic encounter between F2i management and portfolio companies, on the one hand,

Poste, Giacomelli: 30% remains at the Treasury

The privatization of the second tranche of the Italian Post Office continues to divide. Today, the Secretary for Economic Development, Antonello Giacomelli, on the sidelines of a hearing in the Senate, he returned to express their opposition to the sale of the second stake in

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